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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ivy's meanderings

So that last one was kind of depressing wasn't it?  I know I went back through it later and just kind of cringed.  But let me tell you something...honest feelings expressed are never wrong.  Honest feelings kept locked inside are poison.  I know many of you that read that last one were very concerned for me and you will all never know how much I appreciate it and love you all for it.

But let me share something else about my is theraputic for me.  It allows thoughts, many of them crazy or wacky to be expressed.  To find a way to the surface and allow me to hold them up and look at them honestly, to sort them and address each one as needed.  As soon as I hit the final enter key on that post I felt physically and emotionally better.  In fact contrary to what alot of you probably got out of that most of my days are better.  Not great or even good but.....better.  I still have certain days where I just have to let it out or I swear it would just eat me alive inside if I tried to keep all that in.  It warms my heart and soul when people share links about my little blog and others that I don't even know comment on it and I know Ivy's memory is alive and well in many hearts.

I love my wife and twins more then they can ever know and as for my little Ivy I am pretty sure it's obvious that I will always consider my self a father of THREE.

A little different this time
Love from Ivy and her Daddy to all of those who support us.

Justin Hayes
PS "love daddy"


  1. Justin Thank you for putting your feeling down on this blog. You're such a wonderful father and person. It make me want to be a better person and Mother. We love you so much.

  2. Thank you so much for your support it means so much.
