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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Remembering Ivy

This is the hardest post I have put up since my very first one.

I am going to a memorial for Ivy tommorow with my wife and kids.  It is being held by Primary childrens medical center which is the where we had to say good bye to out little Ivy.

How do I go back?  I have not been able to enter a hospital since she died.  I literally feel torn in half because of the two competing I return to honor her memory?  Or do I stay away because of the grief and terror that returning will cause.  I say terror becasue that is exactly what I feel.  Holding her in our arms as she took her final breaths and telling her it's ok to let go.  That we love her.  Thats what I remember when I enter a hospital.  What kind of father am I that it is so hard to make myself go.  I can't let my wife and kids attend without me that would be a slap to her memory and a burden that I could not bear, allowing them to suffer and me not being there to hold them.  

Isn't missing her every day, every hour of my life enough?  

I feel like a black chasm is open at my feet,  Deep and dark it spirals into the depths...will I have the fortitude and the will try and cross or will I fail, falling into despair.  How can I be so blessed with a wonderful family, having finally graduated and obtained a good job and yet not be able to focus on the good, the wonder and joy that my family brings.  

I am broken inside and even though time heals I fear this break will always be tender.

Ivy as always I love you


  1. I'm not exactly sure what to say since I personally have never been in your situation, but I wanted to let you know I'm still thinking of you and your family. I'm so sorry you have to endure so much pain. You will be in my prayers tomorrow. Love you, Mackenzie (Pitcher) Pranger

  2. I can only begin to imagine the terror you describe so powerfully. I can not imagine a more painful thing than losing my beautiful daughter.

    I am so, so sorry you have had to go through this.

    All I know to do is pray for you, and I will continue to do so. I am also available any time, day or night, to talk, listen and care.

